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Designing school choice for Diversity in San Francisco Unified School District

Dr. Itai Ashlagi
When: November 2, 2021 @ 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Register for the Zoom webinar here:
Audiences: All are welcome to attend
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This lecture satisfies requirements for CSCI 591: Research Colloquium.


In December 2018, the Board of Education of San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) passed a resolution for developing a student assignment system for elementary schools, which seeks to improve diversity, transparency, and equal access to quality schools.

This follows an increasing trend towards segregation in the last two decades despite the diversity in the district. In this talk I will describe ongoing research, building on tools from Optimization and Economics, that supported SFUSD towards a new student assignment system to achieve these goals.

This is based on joint work with Max Allman, Irene Lo and Kaleigh Mentzer


Itai Ashlagi is an Associate Professor at the Stanford University Management Science & Engineering Department. He is interested in market design. His work influenced the practice of kidney exchange, for which he has become a Franz Edelman Laureate.

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