April 30, 2020 PhD Student Omkar Thakoor Shares His Interest in Game TheoryOmkar Thakoor is a third year PhD student in computer science and a member of… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
April 6, 2020 PhD Student Caleb Robinson Computes For A Sustainable FutureVisiting PhD student Caleb Robinson.In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development published a… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
November 1, 2019 Future is Bright for AI and Social WorkMeet the leadership team of USC CAIS Technology proves every day it can transform lives.… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
October 14, 2019 Using AI to Optimize Housing Resource AllocationUSC CAIS Associate Director Phebe Vayanos is developing AI to help policymakers allocate limited housing… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
September 16, 2019 PhD Candidate Aida Rahmattalabi Addresses Pressing Social Issues With AIPhD candidate Aida Rahamattalabi is leveraging artificial intelligence and social network theory to improve the… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
September 13, 2019 PhD Student has a Passion for Health Promotion among Vulnerable YouthSocial work PhD student Graham DiGuiseppi leverages machine learning and social network analysis to develop… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
August 23, 2019 Undergrad Course Teaching Students How to Use AI for Social GoodBy studying artificial intelligence techniques in the context of applications with high environmental and social… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
August 8, 2019 Meet the PhD Candidate Tackling Racial Disparities Head-OnPhD candidate Chyna Hill shares how her experiences with adversity have shaped her social work… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
July 10, 2019 Two USC Researchers Advance Alcohol Abuse PreventionAt the 2019 Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting, researchers from USC and across… Hailey Winetrobe Love0
July 3, 2019 Dilkina Receives Grant to Develop AI for Disaster PlanningAssistant Professor Bistra Dilkina received a grant from the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute to leverage… Hailey Winetrobe Love0