AI for Social Good

Dr. Eric Rice & Dr. Milind Tambe

Bandit Theory and Its Application to Security Games

Dr. Long Tran-Thanh

Spatio-Temporal Pricing for Ridesharing Platforms

Dr. Fei Fang
Audiences: All are welcome to attend

The Art and Science of Adversarial Machine Learning

Dr. Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

The Interplay of Agent and Market Design

Dr. Amy Greenwald

CompSust-2017: Doctoral Consortium on Computational Sustainability

Audiences: Students, postdocs, junior faculty

Seminar on Sustainability

Overview of Microsoft Research India

Dr. Sriram Rajamani

The Case of Infrastructure Optimization

Dr. Pascal Van Hentenryck

How much to protect and where? Conservation planning in Africa’s biodiversity hotspot

Dr. Andy Plumptre (Wildlife Conservation Society)
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

Improving the effectiveness of law enforcement in African Parks

Dr. Andy Plumptre (Wildlife Conservation Society)
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

Maximizing the Social Good: Markets without Money

Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft Research)
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

Transdisciplinarity and Translation: Where Science is Going (and implications for your training!)

Dr. Paula Nurius (University of Washington)
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

Measuring Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals with Machine Learning

Stefano Ermon (Stanford)

System Interoperability & Machine Learning: Multi-site Evidence-based Best Practice Discovery

Eva K Lee
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
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